Festive Left Friday Blogging: Batter up!

Play ball!

Batter up--Chavecito!

Now at bat for the Red Team, it’s Chavecito. He’s batting 1000…

Batting 1000 for Venezuela

And he always steps up to the plate.

Chavecito waving

Will he hit a home run in December? Survey says yes.

Meanwhile, it’s Thanksgiving weekend in Gringolandia. In honor of the august occasion of the turkey-pardoning, Swamp Rat has prepared a visual feast, consisting of Wild Turkey shot in the Bush:

Mmmmmm Bush TURKEY!

And everyone’s sweet potato, Adam Sandler, has a little Thanksgiving song for you:

To all my US friends: Gobble gobble!

And to Dubya and the Big Dick: Get stuffed, you turkeys! No pardons for you!

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