Argentina: Stella Calloni on the Nisman case


Further to yesterday’s debunker of the myths of the strange death of Alberto Nisman, the prosecutor supposedly investigating the AMIA bombing in Buenos Aires, here’s another hard look at what lies behind at all, courtesy of the redoubtable Stella Calloni:

I felt the need to write this, because of the immense sadness I feel at seeing so many comrades of other times opining without knowing what this false and scandalous denunciation by a prosecutor like Nisman is about; that he should never have been in charge of the AMIA case, because he was part of the disasters — not innocent, but imposed by others from without — committed by the judge Juan José Galeano.

On the same night as the crime the US and Israel determined that the accused must be Iran, without having investigated anything. It was impossible to perform a serious investigation with such an obstacle.

To refresh your memory: The US and Israel offered a “witness” in 1994. Now no one remembers that Galeano flew off to Venezuela to interrogate the supposed witness, Manoucher Moattamed, who presented himself as a former Iranian functionary escaped from his land, something he never was and which never happened as he claimed. All the money spent, all the false information, broadcast with big headlines. He was a witness invented by the CIA and the Israeli Mossad, but at the same time was totally discredited by his lies, contradictions and falsehoods, after creating false illusions for the victims’ families as well.

Now — what little memory some people have! — to forget that a case was mounted without one single line of truth. A scandalous case, accusing these and those, and with Telleldin as a witness, a delinquent who made a profession of selling stolen cars. To whom Galeano, with the approval of Rubén Baraja, then president of the DAIA, paid $400,000 — in the jail where he sat — so that he would lie and accuse an Iranian and others, including local police, who had accounts at the ready, but as was shown in the oral hearing, had nothing to do with this case, and had to be freed.

So many, so many lies — all this came out in court, and can be read in the dailies of the day — turned the trial into a disaster. To this add stolen evidence, which precisely does not implicate Iran. That “justice”, to maintain the theory that the US and Israel had committed all those blunders, which led to the detention in London of the former ambassador of Iran to Argentina, Hadi Soleimanpour, in 2004, for whom they sought extradition.

When British justice demanded evidence for said extradition, which Argentina — “Argentine justice” — sent, it contained none. Because none existed. As a result, London had to pay the Iranian functionary almost 200,000 pounds sterling in compensation for having detained this man without any cause. This is everywhere. This is not invented. Even Interpol, at that same time, devolved a petition by Argentine authorities for a red alert for lack of evidence.

Most recently, and after great changes in that organism and pressure from the powerful — a red alert was imposed, but they asked for evidence. What evidence did Nisman sent? Ask that. Because if those proofs were the accusation against Iran which the prosecutor mad the year before, it’s a scandal. Letter by letter, it takes what the US and Israel used as accusation — suppositions, half-truths, not a single concrete proof. Trying to use this cruel crime with so many victims, accusing a certain country which they have wanted to invade for a long time, is as criminal as the attack itself.

Even though they continue to act without concrete proofs and there is talk of a “witness C” — certainly interviewed out of country and provided by those same services — this same has not been able to provide any proof.

No country that respects itself in the world would hand over functionaries accused by the CIA and Mossad or other foreign intelligence service. Those same services are those who did the following recently: attacking a boat of pacifists who were bringing food and medicines to Gaza, where a people under siege resists permanent bombardments, interventions and massacres. That boat was assaulted in international waters by Israeli special forces; there were 13 dead and many others beaten and tortured. The recent release of a summary — only a summary — of the tortures and crimes committed by the CIA, to which we must add the intelligence services of the European countries in NATO, forbid any country of the world from handing over persons accused by these services and without any proof. This is not a posture. This is in the United Nations charter.

Why does the Israel government not want that Argentine authorities travel to Venezuela and Europe to interrogate false witnesses, never mind taking statements from the accused, in their own countries, in the pressence of commissions of impartial international observers, as guarantee of absolute seriousness and respect for justice?

The Memorandum [of Understanding, between Argentina and Iran] arises from patient diplomatic work as an extraordinary gesture, which contributes to international politics and the peaceful resolution of conflicts. Could it be that listening to those accused could put the truth on the scen and not all that which was hidden with pressures, money and more in the trials they attempted here?

But when one investigates, one confirms that all those who have intervened in attacks around the world are tied to the intelligence services of those countries which like the US are determined to control the world, with their minor partners in a global government. Countries which under the orders of NATO — whose actions are illegal and where they use thousands and thousands of mercenaries — want to keep the great natural resources. They used lies to invade Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya, and now they are using them to try to invade Syria.

Translation mine.

To the list of countries they want to invade, add Iran, widely trumpeted as Syria’s “controller” when it comes to the backing of parties Israel wants to see wiped out — Hamas in Palestine, Hezbollah in Lebanon. And which, it just so conveniently happens, is sitting on some mighty fine oil reserves, right next to those of Iraq, which is turning into a bigger and bigger shit-show and mockery of US and NATO governance every day, what with ISIL and all.

What better time to roll out the distraction of an old (but not cold) bombing case or two from Argentina? After all, Argentina’s willingness to co-operate with Iran in exonerating that country of the crimes in which it stands accused — the bombing of the Israeli embassy and the AMIA centre, both in Buenos Aires — is just one more slap in the face for gringo imperialism and Israeli complicity. Already Argentina is fighting off the hedge-fund vultures, which is bad enough for US capitalism. Now this? Israel caught bombing and killing its (supposed) own people? False flags out the wazoo, PROVEN? Can’t happen. No, let’s paint the president of Argentina as a crazy murderer instead, and paint Argentina itself as a country gone mad, instead of what it really is: a country coming slowly and painfully to its senses. And which is finally starting to get a good grip on its own reins again, much to the dismay of those who want to control it all behind the scenes, forever.

Yeah, let’s just keep doing the ol’ distraction dance. Works every time, right?


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